Meet our new summer interns

Cranemaster is delighted to welcome two new summer interns, Maia Gabrielsen and Kristian Garstad Eriksen. With their knowledge and enthusiasm, the company looks forward to seeing them contribute to exciting projects and develop their skills over the summer.
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Maia Gabrielsen: Electronic System Design and Innovation

Maia Gabrielsen has just completed her second year in the integrated master’s program in “Electronic System Design and Innovation” at NTNU in Trondheim. This summer, she has the opportunity to work as a summer intern at Cranemaster, allowing her to combine theory with practice and explore job opportunities in the local area.

Why Cranemaster?

Maia applied for a summer job at Cranemaster to explore local job opportunities and develop new skills. So far, she is very happy at Cranemaster; the employees have welcomed her warmly, and she finds the project exciting and challenging.

Benefits of a summer job

One of the advantages of having a summer job is gaining relevant work experience and exploring skills that Maia hasn’t encountered before. This hands-on experience is invaluable for her future career and academic pursuits.

Kristian Garstad Eriksen: Renewable Energy

Kristian Garstad Eriksen is studying Renewable Energy (Bachelor of Engineering, Renewable Energy) at NTNU in Trondheim. Like Maia, he is a summer intern at Cranemaster.

Why Cranemaster?

Kristian chose Cranemaster because the projects there seem very exciting. He believes he can learn a lot and gain valuable experience that will be beneficial for his future studies and career. So far, he is really enjoying it! The work is both challenging and stimulating, and the workplace environment is great.

Benefits of a summer job

The benefits of having a summer job include testing different fields of study, gaining a better understanding of the profession, and discovering what Kristian enjoys working with. This experience is a great way to prepare for the future.

Their Project

The primary project for the summer interns is to create a demonstration model of the latest Cranemaster model. They are focusing on 3D printing the parts, making sure the model can be easily assembled and disassembled, and ensuring it replicates the functionality of the Cranemaster equipment.

A warm welcome

We at Cranemaster are excited to welcome Maia and Kristian. We hope they gain valuable experience and knowledge as summer interns at Cranemaster.

Meet our new Mechanical Engineer/Product Designer

We are expanding our team and are pleased to announce that Mats Olsen has joined us as a Mechanical Engineer/Product Designer.