Cranemaster supported TechnipFMC during installation of mudmats and manifolds with weight from 360 ton to 550 ton. Water depth during installations was 250m and 1300m.

Customer challenge
The primary challenge for the operation was the splash zone crossing with structures of very large surface areas. In addition, there was very limited rigging height that called for a special solution.
Cranemaster unit CM3-700T-34500-A with SWL 700 ton and stroking range 4,5 meter was used for the operation. The unit had integrated CMAC controller for in situ modification of configuration to adapt to the different stages of operation. Further, a special inverted rigging was developed to limit the rigging height by integrating the Cranemaster unit in the lower part of the rigging. This called for developing a specialised solution to ensure that side-loads on the piston rod were within the limitations.
The development of inverted rigging, including certification for the operation, involved a significant effort from Cranemaster. During the preparations for the project, Cranemaster interacted closely with TechnipFMC on planning of the implementation and during lift analysis. All lifting operations were implemented with full success where the Cranemaster unit gave significant support and worked as expected during all stages of the lifting. The inverted rigging, and also the Cranemaster Lock and Release functionality to enable zero stroke during the lift-off, were cere critical elements to give the needed operability. Please view the enclosed video to get a good impression of the rigging and full implementation.
Applications: Splash Zone Crossing, Subsea landing
Cranemaster unit: CM3-700T-4500-A
Features: Lock & Release, Inverted Rigging, CMAC
Industries: Oil & Gas