
Worlds largest heave compensated lift

Customer Challenge:

Enabling installation of  large subsea modules of up to 1100 metric tons in higher sea states for the Chevron Gorgon Project.

Cranemaster Solution:

Two Cranemaster passive heave compensators with SWL of 700 metric tons and 4,5 meter stroke were connected in parallel. The Cranemaster units was equipped with Cranemaster Adaptive Control (CMAC), a system able to automatically change settings for each lifting phase.

The Results:

Cranemaster was deeply involved in the lift analysis and offshore assistance during the project was also provided. A large subsea module with a weight exceeding 1000 metric tons was successfully installed. This is the largest heave compensated lift ever done! The module was lifted through the splash zone. At a predefined depth, the Cranemaster units readjusted themselves for maximum landing speed reduction before the module was safely installed on the seafloor at 1400 meter water depth. Cranemaster worked as expected through all phases.

In addition to constructing and supplying the units, Cranemaster was responsible for the full lift calculation.

Get in touch

Our team is ready to help you find the optimal solution for your lifting operation. We offer customized solutions tailored to each project. Get in touch to discuss your specific needs and discover how Cranemaster© can enhance operational safety and extend weather windows.