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Shock absorbers for lifeboats – NORSOK R002
Customer Challenge: Shock absorbers to be used on lifeboats for reduction of dynamic loads down to acceptable levels. Cranemaster Solution: 8 special designed Cranemaster shock absorbers with SWL of 25 metric tons. The units are designed according to the NORSOK-R002 directive, reducing dynamic loads down to an acceptable level.

Subsea 7 successfully installed protection covers in rough weather
Customer Challenge: Installation of GRP protection covers in rough weather in the Shetland waters for Subsea 7. Cranemaster Solution: A Cranemaster unit with SWL of 50 metric tons and 3 meter stroke. The Results: Analysis was done upfront by Cranemaster, giving Subsea 7 a weather window of significant wave heights…

Jumbo installs structures for Ikhwezi project
Customer Challenge: Deployment of five subsea structures for PetroSA’s Ikhwezi project, offshore South Africa. Cranemaster Solution: Two Cranemaster units with SWL of 250 metric tons and 2,5 meter stroke. The Results: The installation of the five structures, weighing between 35 and 185 metric tons and measure up to 14 x…

Saipem project in the Gulf of Mexico
Customer Challenge: Installation of structures with large surfaces for Saipem in the Gulf of Mexico. Cranemaster Solution: A Cranemaster unit with SWL of 50 metric tons and 3 meter stroke. The Results: The Cranemaster unit successfully absorbed the forces through the splash zone, avoided resonance and reduced landing speed. The use…

Met mast installations in the North Sea
Customer Challenge: Stabilization of met masts when lowering through the splash zone. The structures have a height of 45 meters and weights of 300-400 metric tons. Cranemaster Solution: Two Cranemater units with SWL of 400 metric tons and 2,5 meter stroke were used in parallell configuration. The Results: For this project…

Costa Concordia removal project
Customer Challenge: Costa Concordia removal project for Titan Micoperi. Cranemaster Solution: Support during transfer lifts in preparation of getting the Costa Concordia floating. The Results: For more details visit the project information site:…

Lifting capacity increased for higher sea states
Customer Challenge: Increased lifting capacity for offshore rig on British sector. Cranemaster Solution: A Cranemaster unit with SWL of 100 metric tons and 1 meter stroke. The Results: The client was able to lift loads that exceeded the capable loads in their cranes original load chart.

Pile run protection for Humber Gateway
Customer Challenge: Removal of dangerous peak loads in case piles are “running” during piling operations for the Humber Gateway monopile installations. Cranemaster Solution: Three Cranemaster shock absorbers in parallel configuration for pile run protection. The Results: More than 10 pile runs were experienced during the project, but due to the Cranemaster units,…

Splash zone crossing of MWA module
Customer Challenge: Splash zone crossing of a Midwater Arch (MWA) for DOF Subsea at the Biendong Project in Vietnam. Cranemaster Solution: Cranemaster unit with SWL of 250 metric tons and 2,5 meter stroke.

Installation work with Boskalis at the Wikinger OWF
Customer Challenge: Reduction of risk and weather delays during installation of pre-piling template for Boskalis at the Wikinger Offshore Wind Farm. Cranemaster Solution: A Cranemaster unit with SWL of 600 metric tons and 3 meter stroke.